Prototype Development:

1. To define the phase ,lets break it down into constency. a protype is a lock-a like copy of a part that dimostrate the product feature and explores all possibilities before in vesing in the parts complete

Protype development

development a protype can range from a detail drawing with pen and paper to a fully working version of the product .there protype development is simple a series of process that manufactural  to produce the protype many all so reffer to protype development  on protype manufacturing.

Catogories of  protype development:

*. We can classify protypes into 04 catogeries based on the products design and how the manufacturing accept the find product to function . the catogeries  include

1.Working protype: 

Just as the name employess the product developer makes the working protype exist as many of the final product feature and fuction as possible.

2.Functional Protype:
A functional protype and a working protype are similar in their development process however, the product developes usually may the functional protype on a different scale and using a different technique.

3.Visual Protype:
The product developer design the  visual protype to project the shape, measurment and outly of the concept they have or the product .since this process doesn't involve showing  wheather the product function or not it is